Visual List Options

Visual List
Numbers centered?
Color #: (I set it to white, can't be changed)
check Visual List box to create a visual decklist, check numbers centered to center numbers on the visual decklist

Text List Options
Select deck colors:
(Default is "Brown")

Card Image to show:
(commented, ie. doesn't do anything)

Other Options
Deck Name:

Put your list here:

HTML to copy:

Preview appears here


1. Copy everything from "CSS to copy:" and paste it somewhere on the page.
2. Copy code for the decklist found in "HTML to copy" text area and paste it where you want.

If you wish to generate more decklists you should refresh (press F5) the page before generating code for another decklist.

Split cards have to be entered in this format [Name] // [Name2]. Example: Commit // Memory.

When using MTGOTraders version please always add Sideboard. if not present add an empty line, break and space on the next line (press Enter, Enter, Spacebar) to show the "Sideboard:".

CSS to copy:
Written by Paul Emerson Leicht and S'Tsung. This site is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.